People in some areas are lucky enough to still be able to pick roses from their own gardens and of course that would be the best choice. But for most of us the weather is turning colder so we'll need to either pick up roses at the local florist or order them.

This Thanksgiving arrangement provides a riot of fall colors. This bouquet of a dozen roses with hypericum berries and greenery in bright seasonal colors is great for someone who loves to be surrounded with bright colors

With roses the colors of the changing autumn leaves the Orange Rose Mosaic bouquet will provide a memorable accent for the Thanksgiving table.Arranged in a square orange vase,these roses in shades of orange can be ordered and delivered the same day by a florist in the recipient's area.

The Giving Thanks Bouquet

Bountiful Rose Bouquet
The bountiful rose bouquet features roses in shades of peachy orange and ivory. Arranged in a ceramic pumpkin container that can be reused as a cookie jar,candy dish or for more flowers.

These Autumn Passages
Both bouquets arrive arranged in a clear glass gold-banded vase to help make your autumn celebration special. The stems can be grouped together for one stunning table or sideboard arrangement or divided into several smaller bouquets to display throughout your home.
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