Ghostly Greetings Bouquet
The Ghostly Greetings Halloween bouquet is a cute but spooky arrangement of bright blossoms and autumn leaves topped with a wiggly eyed white ghost.This would be a fun and whimsical gift for a friend or to display at your home or business.* This arrangement of fresh orange gerbera daisies and purple carnations is accented with preserved oak leaves, black wheat and satin ribbons and is decorated with a white fabric and Styrofoam ghost with wiggly eyes. Delivered in a Teleflora orange glass cube vase.
* Arrangement measures 20"inches high x11" wide
Bat's Incredible Halloween Bouquet
The deceptively cheerful gerbera daisies and mums are made spooky by the bats that loom over them in this Halloween bouquet.*Arrangement includes orange gerbera daisies, red spray chrysanthemums with decorations of assorted fall foliage,holly leaves and curly willow tips, all painted black, and displayed in a square black planter.
* Approximately 9" wide x 20" tall
Cute N' Creepy Spider Bouquet
A huge black spider creeps out of a bouquet of orange and green blooms in this cute 'n' creepy Halloween floral arrangement. Send one of these fun flower arrangements to a favorite office buddy, a kid who's away at college or anyone who loves a bit of autumn fun.* The Cute n' Creepy bouquet is a fresh mix of orange and green blooms which may include spray roses, button chrysanthemums, carnations and a gerbera daisy accented with preserved oak leaves and a Styrofoam spider. Delivered in a square black container.
* Arrangement measures approximately 9" wide x 9" tall
Spooktacular Sunflower Spider
The Spooktacular Sunflower spider perches atop a fresh chrysanthemum bouquet in black autumn leaves. This arrangement would look great decorating your Halloween party!* The Spooktacular Spider bouquet is a mix of fresh bronze chrysanthemums accented with black magnolia leaves and eucalyptus. Decorated with a spider made with a sunflower center, black chenille stems and wiggly eyes. Delivered in a black vase.
* Measures approximately 12" wide x 15" high
These fun Spooky Halloween bouquets are delivered by a local florist in the From You Flowers network. Same day delivery is available if you order early in the day. From You Flowers makes it easy to add chocolates or balloons to your order. Remember Halloween is only 4 days away so place your order today.